His Excellency Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, UAE, led a high-level public and private sector delegation from the UAE to attend the first session of the UAE-Türkiye Joint Economic and Trade Commission (JETCO) in Istanbul. During the meeting His Excellency Dr. Al Zeyoudi and His Excellency Ömer Bolat, Minister of Trade, Republic of Türkiye, heralded the progress of UAE-Turkish relations and expressed optimism about the prospects of further economic integration. This group was designed to expand and diversify the two nations’ trade and commercial relations and help achieve the goals of the CEPA. His Excellency Dr. Al Zeyoudi said, “This Joint Economic and Trade Commission is one of the key platforms to enable us to achieve the ambitious non-oil trade targets we have established. It will allow us to identify areas of maximum opportunity for our exporters, enable us to explore priority sectors for investment, help us build consensus on digital trade frameworks, standardization, and accreditation and most importantly, reinforce trust and transparency in a relationship that is increasingly pivotal to both nations.”