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PLACI regimes to impact 35% of air cargo shipments

Writer's picture: Team CargoTalkTeam CargoTalk

The air cargo industry is witnessing significant developments in pre-loading risk assessments, with the expansion of various Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) regimes. By 2025, PLACI regimes will impact 35% of air cargo shipments globally.

The impact on industry is significant, requiring substantial investments from airlines and their partners (ground-handlers, freight forwarders/shippers, etc.) to comply with the new requirements. In the UAE, the Federal Decree Law No 22 of 2018 and Resolution No 15 of 2019 established the legal framework for the PLACI program, applicable to all air cargo crossing UAE borders.

IATA and its members have played a pivotal role in developing the UAE PLACI Program Implementation Guide and supporting pilot deployments. Since July, the UAE National Advance Information Center expects air carriers to: provide the required data (based on master/house waybill and cargo manifest information) as early as possible before loading at the last airport of departure outside the UAE.

Use one of the supported channels described in the UAE PLACI Air Implementation Guide (direct Integration, use of a third-party service provider or use of the NAIC Portal),manage risk assessment outcomes (“referrals”) prior to shipment loading. The UAE is currently implementing an “informed compliance” (i.e. grace) period anticipated to last until the second quarter of 2025.


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