Middle Eastern carriers saw 14.7 per cent year-on-year demand growth for air cargo in July, as per the latest data released by IATA. The Middle East–Europe trade lane performed particularly well surging 32.2 per cent ahead of Middle East-Asia, which grew by 15.9 per cent YoY. July capacity increased by 4.4 per cent year-on-year. Total demand, measured in cargo tonne-kilometers (CTKs), rose by 13.6 per cent compared to July 2023 levels (14.3% for international operations). This is the eighth consecutive month of double-digit year-on-year growth, with overall levels reaching heights not seen since the record peaks of 2021. Capacity, measured in available cargo tonne-kilometers (ACTKs), increased by 8.3 per cent compared to July 2023 (10.1% for international operations). “Air cargo demand hit record highs
year-to-date in July with strong growth across all regions. The industry continues to benefit from growth in global trade, booming e-commerce, and capacity constraints on maritime shipping. With the peak season still to come, it is shaping to be a strong year for air cargo. And airlines have proven adept at navigating political and economic uncertainties to flexibly meet emerging demand trends,” Willie Walsh, Director General, IATA, said.