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  • CargoTalk Team

Gulftainer meet on supply chain, cargo flow in S. China

Gulftainer organised a collaborative meeting with members of the Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Association and the Qingdao Logistics Network during CIFL to discuss the expansion of supply chain facilities and international cargo movements between the South China region and the UAE.  As a strategic gateway between East and West, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) enhances the connectivity in the UAE as a logistics hub. “The growing trade and logistics relationship between the UAE and China is driven by shared strategic goals and expanding global trade routes. China’s BRI has played a vital role in enhancing this connectivity. As a gateway between East and West, the UAE has positioned itself as a key logistics hub, facilitating the seamless movement of goods between China and global markets,” Daniel Wright, Group Chief Operating Officer, commented.


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